Colostrum Powder
Episode 1
Colostrum is a dairy-based superfood with major health benefits, from boosting gut health to dealing with osteoporosis and inflammation. Today, we look at what it is, where to source it, how it helps & how to have it.
What is colostrum?
What is leaky gut?
Does colostrum powder heal the gut?
Colostrum, constipation and IBS
Colostrum for athletes
How to take colostrum powder and the best colostrum supplements
Hello everyone this is Lovneet Batra your health expert and clinical nutritionist and you're listening to my podcast Nutrition By Lovneet.
In today’s podcast, we are going to talk about a very interesting superfood colostrum
Colostrum is now used as a supplement that definitely loves your gut more than you ever will. So let's talk about, what is colostrum?
Well, it might sound too complicated, but it is actually the first milk it is a yellow first fluid secreted right off though the child is delivered. Now the colostrum that is easily available is bovine and goat colostrum and in fact, these days it is also you know packed in those fancy tablets and capsule in powdered form and sold for us as a supplement that can heal your gut health, build immunity, help in preventing osteoporosis and this definitely anti-inflammatory. So what really makes this first milk a superfood? Let's talk about that.
It is rich in key antibodies such as IGE, IGA, ITG, IGM, IGT. What does that mean? This help in reducing inflammation in our body and boosting immunity in our body, in fact, it is so healing for our gut health these antibodies and in combination to lactoprotein lactalbumin, cytokines, lysosomes and polypeptide this makes up perfect recipes to heal the gut by increasing the surface area of your intestinal lining and can improve the absorption of nutrients overall.
This is actually very useful as a therapy for leaky gut. Now leaky gut is an inflammatory condition which is characterized by small punctures between the tight junctions of the gut lining which allows the undigested food, proteins, toxins even gut bacteria to slip into the bloodstream causing inflammation, that can lead to autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis among others.
Colostrum has been observed to help improve the microbiome in the gut, because of the abundance of these immunoglobulins and other natural antibodies and it is also a prebiotic. It nourishes and promotes the repopulation of the good bacteria in the gut and gets rid of the bad one. The hormones and growth factors present in colostrum help in restoring the damaged intestinal lining and maintains its tight junction integrity by supporting the repair and regeneration of the intestinal walls at the cellular level and therefore reducing the symptoms of constipation, IBS, bloating and diarrhoea.
Now colostrum supplements are really beneficial for athletes, especially athletes that are conducting intense periods of training and exercise enthusiast they are more prone to developing gut releted issues in combination of stress and by due to increasing our body core temperature that could lead to gut permeability or leaky gut and colostrum therefore can help in preventing these problems. In fact, it is also proven to increase the stamina endurance stamina and muscle resynthesis in athletes. so if you are someone who works out 1 to 2 hours 4 to 5 days in a week you might wanna add colostrum supplement to increase strength and endurance. Colostrum is also one of the few supplements that has been proven beneficial against H. Pylori infection so if you are experiencing pain, acidity discomfort due to H. pylori start with colostrum supplement. Start with 8 to 10 grams and continue for 2 weeks to see change in symptoms due to H. pylori infection.
The mix of nutrients with the immunoglobulins that are present in colostrum can really help you in fighting fatigue. It can also help in lowering inflammation in the body, so it is beneficial for people suffering from autoimmune disorders.
Strangely colostrum supplements are quite expensive, so if you are looking for colostrum you can rely on a local dairy and source it. You can store it for 3 to 4 days. Boil the colostrum that you get from dairy and once you boil it it curdles up you take about one teaspoon of the semi-solid curdled up colostrum, once in a day, and in fact if you want to keep it for longer you can freeze it. Try to have it for 10 to 14 days for best effects.
Thank you for listening if you found this information helpful you can subscribe to my podcast Nutrition by Lovneet you can also visit our web page for health updates, healthy recipes and exciting ways to stay fit.
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